Refsheet - Travailler avec Vivium
A paragraph is a self-contained unit of written or spoken text that consists of one or more sentences grouped together around a central theme or topic. It is a fundamental building block of written communication and is used to organize ideas and present information in a coherent and structured manner.
Within this paragraph, an inline link is seamlessly integrated to provide readers with immediate access to additional information related to the topic being discussed.
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
Heading 5
The Card fragment can be used to create:
- A static content card
- An interactive card (where the entire card is clickable). In this case the url from the read more link will be used
- A card with one or two CTA's
The Card fragment can be used to create:
- A static content card
- An interactive card (where the entire card is clickable). In this case the url from the read more link will be used
- A card with one or two CTA's
The Card fragment can be used to create:
- A static content card
- An interactive card (where the entire card is clickable). In this case the url from the read more link will be used
- A card with one or two CTA's
Card with alternative look
This card typically has no image, but still has all other options of the card-fragment. It should be used to make a card stand out from other cards.
A well-known quote, contained in a blockquote element.
A well-known quote, contained in a blockquote element and displayed as a card.
Social icons
Video url
Business Card Account Manager
Personal name
Some role/branch
Placeholder phone